Some would say that multiples return would be the problem here. But it's not really my point.
For my point of view, the if/else if is really important, because even if in your case you return some value, removing the elses would mean that you wouldn't put them anyway, and that would mean a totally different thing if the returns were not here.
Plus, imagine someday someone want to edit your code, and clean it up for a single return, this person could misunderstand your code and do a grave mistake like this :
public String getTemperatureMessage(double temp){
String message;
if(temp < 32)
message = "Freezing";
if(temp < 60)
message = "Brr";
if(temp < 80)
message = "Comfortable";
message = "Too hot";
return message;
To clarify my point of view, keep the elses, it keep your code clear.