I recently started learning Python, and the concept of for loops is still a little confusing for me. I understand that it generally follows the format for x in y
Just for an alternative, how about generalizing the iterate/increment operation to a lambda function so you can do something like this:
for i in seq(1, 9, lambda x: x*2):
print i
Where seq
is defined below:
from timeit import timeit
def seq(a, b, f):
x = a;
while x < b:
yield x
x = f(x)
def testSeq():
l = tuple(seq(1, 100000000, lambda x: x*2))
#print l
def testGen():
l = tuple((2**x for x in range(27)))
#print l
print "seq", timeit('testSeq()', 'from __main__ import testSeq', number = 1000000)
print "gen", timeit('testGen()', 'from __main__ import testGen', number = 1000000)
The difference in performance isn't that much:
seq 7.98655080795
gen 6.19856786728
To support reverse iteration and with a default argument...
def seq(a, b, f = None):
x = a;
if b > a:
if f == None:
f = lambda x: x+1
while x < b:
yield x
x = f(x)
if f == None:
f = lambda x: x-1
while x > b:
yield x
x = f(x)
for i in seq(8, 0, lambda x: x/2):
print i
Note: This behaves differently to range
in which the direction <
test is chosen by the iterator sign, rather than the difference between start and end values.