I recently started learning Python, and the concept of for loops is still a little confusing for me. I understand that it generally follows the format for x in y
Bear in mind that the 'list' part of the Python can be any iterable sequence.
A string:
for c in 'abcdefg':
# deal with the string on a character by character basis...
A file:
with open('somefile','r') as f:
for line in f:
# deal with the file line by line
A dictionary:
for key, value in d.items():
# deal with the key:value pairs from a dict
A slice of a list:
for e in l[10:20:2]:
# ever other element between 10 and 20 in l
etc etc etc etc
So it really is a lot deeper than 'just some list'
As others have stated, just set the iterable to be what you want it to be for your example questions:
for e in (i*i for i in range(10)):
# the squares of the sequence 0-9...
for i in (i*2 for i in l):
# the list l as a sequence * 2...