The new Azure Function 3.0 SDK provides a way to implement a Startup class. It gives access to the collection of services that are available by dependency injection, where I
After some research, I came across this thread on Githib
using appsettings.json + IConfiguration in Function App
From which I crafted the following extension based on the comments and suggestions that showed to have worked.
public static class FunctionHostBuilderExtensions {
/// Set up the configuration for the builder itself. This replaces the
/// currently registered configuration with additional custom configuration.
/// This can be called multiple times and the results will be additive.
public static IFunctionsHostBuilder ConfigureHostConfiguration (
this IFunctionsHostBuilder builder,
Action configureDelegate) {
IServiceCollection services = builder.Services;
var providers = new List();
//Cache all current configuration provider
foreach (var descriptor in services.Where(d => d.ServiceType == typeof(IConfiguration)).ToList()) {
var existingConfiguration = descriptor.ImplementationInstance as IConfigurationRoot;
if (existingConfiguration is null) {
//add new configuration based on original and newly added configuration
services.AddSingleton(sp => {
var configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
//call custom configuration
configureDelegate?.Invoke(sp, configurationBuilder);
return new ConfigurationRoot(providers);
return builder;
The main idea is to extract all the currently registered configuration related types, create a new builder, apply custom configuration and build a new configuration with the original and custom configuration details merged into one.
It would then be used in Startup
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup {
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder) {
builder.ConfigureHostConfiguration((sp, config) => {
var executioncontextoptions = sp.GetService>().Value;
var currentDirectory = executioncontextoptions.AppDirectory;
.AddJsonFile("appSettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
//if there are multiple settings files, consider extracting the list,
//enumerating it and adding them to the configuration builder.
.Configure((settings, configuration) => {
The above should now be able to get the settings from your custom configuration.