I am doing some studying and I came across a question that asks to show the correct memory diagram of the following code:
int [] d1 = new int[5];
d1[0] = 3;
Any Object on Java lives on heap.
In Java Array is also an Object and hence array Object lives on heap.
When you write
int a=new int[5],
the (new int[5]) part creates object and hence lives on heap.
Integer x=new Integer(10000)
is also an Object(remember new Operator will always create new Object).
and hence when you wright,
Integer [] d2 = new Integer[5];
it is Array of Integer Object.
As far as ArrayList is considered it is also a class but it wraps array Object and adds dynamic memory to it. So,
ArrayList d3 = new ArrayList();
again creates Object and hence live on heap.
Consider ArrayList class as:
class ArrayList{
int index=0;
Object[] obj=new Object['some integer value (depends on JVM)'];
public void add(Object o){
//other methods
so when you write d3.add(5) actually d3.add(new Integer(5)) is being called.
Remember one golden rule: In java whatever Object you create live on HEAP and their reference live on stack.
Proof of array being object:-
int[] a={4,3,1,2};
System.out.println(a instanceof Object);
//prints true