What is the best (fastest) way to compute two vectors that are perpendicular to the third vector(X) and also perpendicular to each other?
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I think the minimum maximum magnatude out of all element in a unit vector is always greater than 0.577, so you may be able to get away with this:
-> Reduce the problem of finding a perpendicular vector to a 3D vector to a 2D vector by finding any element whose magnatude is greater than say 0.5, then ignore a different element (use 0 in its place) and apply the perpendicular to a 2D vector formula in the remaining elements (for 2D x-axis=(ax,ay) -> y-axis=(-ay,ax))
let x-axis be represented by (ax,ay,az)
if (abs(ay) > 0.5) {
y-axis = normalize((-ay,ax,0))
} else if (abs(az) > 0.5) {
y-axis = normalize((0,-az,ay))
} else if (abs(ax) > 0.5) {
y-axis = normalize((az,0,-ax))
} else {
error("Impossible unit vector")