What is the best (fastest) way to compute two vectors that are perpendicular to the third vector(X) and also perpendicular to each other?
This is ho
This is the way to do it.
It's also probably the only way to do it. Any other way would be mathematically equivalent.
It may be possible to save a few cycles by opening the crossProduct computation and making sure you're not doing the same multiplications more than once but that's really far into micro-optimization land.
One thing you should be careful is of course the HELPER vector. Not only does it has to be not parallel to X but it's also a good idea that it would be VERY not parallel to X. If X and HELPER are going to be even somewhat parallel, your floating point calculation is going to be unstable and inaccurate. You can test and see what happens if the dot product of X and HELPER is something like 0.9999.