Is it possible to split a text from a tag by br tags?
I have this tag contents: [u\'+420 777 593 531\',
, u\'+420 776 593 531\',
, u\'+42
You need to test for tags, which are modelled as Element
instances. Element
objects have a name
attribute, while text elements don't (which are NavigableText
[x for x in dt.find_next_sibling('dd').contents if getattr(x, 'name', None) != 'br']
Since you appear to only have text and
elements in that element, you may as well just get all the contained strings instead:
>>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup('''\
... - Term
... -
... +420 777 593 531
... +420 776 593 531
... +420 775 593 531
... ''')
>>> dt = soup.dt
>>> [x for x in dt.find_next_sibling('dd').contents if getattr(x, 'name', None) != 'br']
[u'\n +420 777 593 531', u'\n +420 776 593 531', u'\n +420 775 593 531', u'\n']
>>> list(dt.find_next_sibling('dd').stripped_strings)
[u'+420 777 593 531', u'+420 776 593 531', u'+420 775 593 531']