I\'m currently working on an App that has a couple of Entities and relationships as illustrated below:
Item <<--> Category.>
As far as sorting goes, the documentation has this to say:
If the controller generates sections, the first sort descriptor in the array is used to group the objects into sections; its key must either be the same as sectionNameKeyPath or the relative ordering using its key must match that using sectionNameKeyPath.
In English (you may already know this Rog, but then again you may not and certainly people who search this later may appreciate the explanation), that means if you're using sections then the sorting on the NSFetchRequest must group all items in the same section together. This could be by making the first sort criteria be the field used as the section name, or it could be by making the first sort criteria be something else that results in the same sort of grouping.
The documentation doesn't specify what happens if you screw this up; it's possible it would just totally screw up the section names, repeat sections, skip sections, detect the situation and "fix" your sorting, or even just crash. Do any of your categories have the same displayOrder?
Your solution is certainly workable, and if you can't get it to work correctly sorting by displayOrder while titling sections by category.name it's probably your best solution.