As far as I can see from the docs, non-capturing groups are defined by (:? ), as in Java. (I believe it\'s the same underlying library).
However, this doesn\'t seem
In addition to the correct answer, use val and parens:
scala> val R = "a(?:b)c".r // use val
R: scala.util.matching.Regex = a(?:b)c
scala> "abc" match {case R() => println("ok");case _ => println("not ok")} // parens not optional
You can also always use the wildcard sequence and not care whether you specified capturing groups. I discovered this recently and find it is most clear and robust.
scala> "abc" match {case R(_*) => println("ok");case _ => println("not ok")}
If anything matches, _*
will, including an extractor returning Some(null)