How do you create a slice of functions with different signatures? I tried the code below but its feels hack-ish. Do we just bite the bullet and use a slice interface{}?
Please check it, I don't know if it what you want. Because I don't know what are you exactly want.
package main
import (
func A() {
func B(A int) {
fmt.Println("B", A)
func C(A string, B float32) {
fmt.Println("C", A, B)
func main() {
f := []interface{}{A, B, C}
f[2].(func(string, float32))("TEST", 90)
fmt.Println("\n******* another thing ******")
for a, v := range f {
v := reflect.TypeOf(v)
fmt.Println("#######", a)
fmt.Println("num param :", v.NumIn())
for i := 0; i < v.NumIn(); i++ {
fmt.Println("param :", i, "type is ", v.In(i))
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Here I have another example calling using reflect
package main
import (
func A() {
func B(A int) {
fmt.Println("B", A)
func C(A string, B float32) {
fmt.Println("C", A, B)
func main() {
f := []interface{}{A, B, C}
f[2].(func(string, float32))("TEST", 90)
fmt.Println("\n******* calling with reflect ******")
for a, v := range f {
v := reflect.TypeOf(v)
//calling the function from reflect
val := reflect.ValueOf(f[a])
params := make([]reflect.Value, v.NumIn())
if v.NumIn() == 1 {
params[0] = reflect.ValueOf(1564)
} else if v.NumIn() == 2 {
params[0] = reflect.ValueOf("Test FROM reflect")
params[1] = reflect.ValueOf(float32(123456))
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