i want to append a style sheet(css) link to the head of an iframe using jquery . i tried with the following code but not working.
This could be related to IE not allowing you to add elements in the DOM, check out the clever solution here
Thanks @kris, good advice to add more info in case links break:
Here is the main code snippet from the link, in case it goes out again. (This is only needed with some IE version, for the most part, the other answer work just fine)
var ifrm;
//attempts to retrieve the IFrame document
function addElementToFrame(newStyle) {
if (typeof ifrm == "undefined") {
ifrm = document.getElementById('previewFrame');
if (ifrm.contentWindow) {
ifrm = ifrm.contentWindow;
} else {
if (ifrm.contentDocument.document) {
ifrm = ifrm.contentDocument.document;
} else {
ifrm = ifrm.contentDocument;
//Now that we have the document, look for an existing style tag
var tag = ifrm.document.getElementById("tempTag");
//if you need to replace the existing tag, we first need to remove it
if (typeof tag != "undefined" || tag != null) {
$("#tempTag", ifrm.document).remove();
//add a new style tag
$("HEAD", ifrm.document).append("");