In C#, is there a way to keep a reference as a member variable in an object (like an object pointer in C++), not just as a parameter?
EDIT: How can I make a p
For what its worth, you could use an array of size 1 as a reference/pointer. This yields more readable code than creating a new class to wrap a single value type member.
public struct StructWithReferenceMember
private int[] intStoredAsReference;
public StructWithReferenceMember(int asValue, int asReference)
: this()
IntStoredAsValue = asValue;
intStoredAsReference = new int[] { asReference };
public int IntStoredAsValue { get; set; }
public int IntStoredAsReference
get { return intStoredAsReference[0]; }
set { intStoredAsReference[0] = value; }
A similar trick can be used to attempt the highly discouraged practice of using mutable structs.
public class ReferenceProperty
private T[] typeReference;
public ReferenceProperty(T value)
typeReference = new T[] { value };
public T PropertyAsValue
get { return typeReference[0]; }
set { typeReference[0] = value; }
public T[] PropertyAsReference
get { return typeReference; }
Then use array notation to "dereference" it.
public struct MutableStruct
public int member;
public MutableStruct(int value)
member = value;
ReferenceProperty referenceToValueType = new ReferenceProperty(new MutableStruct(3));
Console.WriteLine("original value: " + referenceToValueType.PropertyAsValue.member.ToString());
//referenceToValueType.PropertyAsValue.member = 4; // compiler error - cannot modify return value because it is not a variable
MutableStruct copyOfStruct = referenceToValueType.PropertyAsReference[0]; // or referenceToValueType.PropertyAsValue
copyOfStruct.member = 4;
Console.WriteLine("original value after modifying copy: " + referenceToValueType.PropertyAsValue.member.ToString());
referenceToValueType.PropertyAsReference[0].member = 5;
Console.WriteLine("original value after modifying reference: " + referenceToValueType.PropertyAsValue.member.ToString());
original value: 3
original value after modifying copy: 3
original value after modifying reference: 5