Im trying to run an application on my GS5 from android studio and Im getting this:
Waiting for device.
Target device: samsung-sm_g900v-f3af9744
Uploading fi
1. Check if your app had left any datas :
First if the app is already installed, then clean cache data and uninstall it Under "System Settings" then "Application Manager"
- Force uninstall by running
& adb shell pm uninstall com.brian.testproject
- Check "/data/data/com.brian.testproject/" and delete it
- Remove any entries of your package on /data/system/packages.xml
- Remove any entries of your package on /data/system/packages.list
- Also you could install SDMaiD and clean your device, especially with "CorpseFinder" and "AppCleaner"
2. Try to install the app manually and debug the result :
In your case you have an issue with pm over android studio... install it manually to have a more detailed message over command line
$ adb push D:\Android\..\TestProject-debug.apk /sdcard/myapp.apk
$ adb shell pm install /sdcard/myapp.apk
3. Check Android Studio and your app sources
Change the targeted api level :
- Right click on your app dir + Open Module Settings + app + check sdk version + change target and minimum under "Flavor"
- Sync gradle button
- Rebuild project
- Update your android studio if you don't have the last release
- If your app use libraries, you have to recompile them.
4. Check System Settings :
Check BOOTCLASSPATH of your init.rc. BOOTCLASSPATH must include /system/framework/ext.jar and /system/framework/framework.jar and so on.
Check DEXPREOPT_BOOT_JARS of build/core/ DEXPREOPT_BOOT_JARS must include ext and framework and so on.
The order of all items on BOOTCLASSPATH must be equal to the order of all items on DEXPREOPT_BOOT_JARS.
5. Try pm command directly on the device :
if pm command does not work try that command with a terminal directly on the phone to see if it's a connection issue between pc and phone
pm install /sdcard/myapp.apk
6. Reinstall your rom once again (just reinstall it) no need to erase.