I tried the typical sort function and checked if item is string. But I get a very strange output. Tried multiple different approaches.
var arr = [{section:
I propose a completely different approach. We're going to modify your strings until they are sortable by localeCompare
Here's how:
// "12" sorts before "2", prefixing to "12" and "02" fixes this
// (length should be bigger than your largest nr)
var makeLength5 = prefixWithZero.bind(null, 5);
// This function generates a string that is sortable by localeCompare
var toSortableString = function(obj) {
return obj.section
.replace(/\./g, "z") // Places `12A` before `12.` but after `12`
.replace(/\d+/g, makeLength5); // Makes every number the same length
var arr = [{section:"12.2.a"},{section:"12.2.b.iii"},{section:"12.2.c"},{section:"12"},{section:"12A"},{section:"12.3.b"},{section:"12.3.c"},{section:"Q2"},{section:"Q32"},{section:"Q6"},{section:"Q5"}];
var arr2 = arr.sort(function(a, b) {
return toSortableString(a).localeCompare(toSortableString(b));
console.log(JSON.stringify(arr2.map(function(s){ return s.section; }), null, 2));
// Helper methods
function prefixWithZero(length, str) {
while (str.length < length) {
str = "0" + str;
return str;