I have tried many thing like calculating location, handling with the event we do have in original fabricjs. Does any have done this before?
I downloaded fabricjs from asturur repo. build fabric.js file
node build.js modules=ALL exclude=json,gestures
and it works!
Then you can use events on objects in the groups.
canvas._objects[0]._objects[0].on('mousedown', function(e){ this.stroke = 'black'});
In my app i decided to search for events from mousedown callback
group.on('mousedown', function(e){
var innerTarget = group._searchPossibleTargets(e.e);
group._searchPossibleTargets = function(e) {
var pointer = this.canvas.getPointer(e, true);
var i = objects.length,
normalizedPointer = this.canvas._normalizePointer(this, pointer);
while (i--) {
if (this.canvas._checkTarget(normalizedPointer, this._objects[i])) {
return this._objects[i];
return null;