My project requires a file where I will store key/value pair data that should be able to be read and modified by the user. I want the program to just expect the keys to be t
If you're looking for a quick easy function and don't want to use .Net app\user config setting files or worry about serialization issues that sometimes occur of time.
The following static function can load a file formatted like KEY=VALUE
public static Dictionary LoadConfig(string settingfile)
var dic = new Dictionary();
if (File.Exists(settingfile))
var settingdata = File.ReadAllLines(settingfile);
for (var i = 0; i < settingdata.Length; i++)
var setting = settingdata[i];
var sidx = setting.IndexOf("=");
if (sidx >= 0)
var skey = setting.Substring(0, sidx);
var svalue = setting.Substring(sidx+1);
if (!dic.ContainsKey(skey))
dic.Add(skey, svalue);
return dic;
Note: I'm using a Dictionary so keys must be unique, which is usually that case with setting.
var settingfile = AssemblyDirectory + "\\mycustom.setting";
var settingdata = LoadConfig(settingfile);
if (settingdata.ContainsKey("lastrundate"))
DateTime lout;
string svalue;
if (settingdata.TryGetValue("lastrundate", out svalue))
DateTime.TryParse(svalue, out lout);
lastrun = lout;