Trying to create a simple plugin that simply connects to an ftp site, looks up the latest file and then downloads it. However, it isn\'t getting the latest file.
Instead of your "lastFileModified" method, I would create a Comparator. It would be easier to write the sort method:
public class LastModifiedComparator implements Comparator {
public int compare(FTPFile f1, FTPFile f2) {
return f1.getTimestamp().compareTo(f2.getTimeStamp());
Then, getting the "last" FTPFile is much easier:
public FTPFile getMaxLastModified(FTPFile[] ftpFiles) {
return Collections.max(Arrays.asList(ftpFiles), new LastModifiedComparator());
To come back to your problem: the "lastModified" timestamp is not linked to the FTP upload order. When you upload a file through the FTP protocol, the original timestamp of the file may be preserved.
So, if file1 is older than file2, your method will always return file2, even if file2 is uploaded before file1 on the FTP server.
I think that it is impossible to determine the last uploaded file. This information is not stored by the FTP protocol. You can do that only if you overload the "put" method of your FTP client:
public void put(File file) {
// upload code
FTPFile ftpFile = getJustUploadedFile(file);
ftpFile.setTimestamp(new Calendar()); // Now!