I need to sort an OrderedDictionary (System.Collections.Specialized) I have this code:
var od = new System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary();
Following will give you a sorted dictionary based on your OrderedDictionary.
var normalOrderedDictionary= od.Cast()
.OrderBy(r=> r.Value)
.ToDictionary(c=> c.Key, d=> d.Value);
There is one thing though, ToDictionary
returned a regular dictionary but the order is maintained in the dictionary for the lookup, as soon as any new item is inserted in the dictionary, they the order cannot be guaranteed. To avoid this, use SortedDictionary
which has a constructor that takes a regular dictionary as parameter
var sortedDictionary = new SortedDictionary(normalOrderedDictionary);
(Make sure to replace string
with the correct types for Key and value in the above line).
foreach (var entry in sortedDictionary)
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1}", entry.Key, entry.Value);
Key: a3 Value: 2
Key: a1 Value: 3
Key: a4 Value: 4
Key: a2 Value: 5