It does seem pretty straightforward, here is what I use to build my PDO connectors(noticed your dbname and host are done differently than mine, dunno if that's relevant, but worth a check):
PDO Creation function
function buildDBConnector(){
$dsn = 'mysql:dbname='.C_BASE.';host='.C_HOST;
$dbh = new PDO($dsn, C_USER, C_PASS);
return $dbh;
define('C_HOST','localhost');// MySQL host name (usually:localhost)
define('C_USER','sweetUsername');// MySQL username
define('C_PASS','sweetPassword');// MySQL password
define('C_BASE','superGreatDatabase');// MySQL database
And while it makes no sense, when I tried to declare $dsn
inline including variables during the newPDO
call, I kept getting failures too. I broke it apart and used the $dsn variable to do so. And haven't had an issue since.
Wondering if you're in shared hosting by chance?
If you don't have a dedicated IP, and instead are going through a NAT, your IP won't properly translate to your actual server.
That help at all?
Just thought of another thing. Are you trying to connect to a mysql database that is on a different IP than you are running your scripts from? If so, you will likely need to enable remoteSQL access for the ip you are calling the database from. Fairly easy to do, but CRITICAL if you are not accessing localhost.