Is it possible to sort the output of the Format-List cmdlet by property name?
Suppose that I have an object $x with two properties \"A\" and \"B\", and when I run Format
AFAIK, Format-List
does not provide such an option.
For your particular example this should work:
$x | Select-Object A, B | Format-List
If the property set is not fixed/known then the procedure will be more tricky with use of Get-Member
and some preprocessing making sorted parameter array for Select-Object
Here it is (let's use $host instead of $x):
$host | Select-Object ([string[]]($host | Get-Member -MemberType Property | %{ $_.Name } | Sort-Object)) | Format-List
Christopher is right, Select-Object
is not absolutely needed:
$host | Format-List ([string[]]($host | Get-Member -MemberType Property | %{ $_.Name } | Sort-Object))