When I analyse code coverage in Visual Studio 2012, any of the await lines in async methods are showing as not covered even though they are obviously executing since my test
There are situations where I don't care about testing the async nature of a method but just want to get rid of the partial code coverage. I use below extension method to avoid this and it works just fine for me.
Warning "Thread.Sleep" used here!
public static IReturnsResult ReturnsAsyncDelayed(this ISetup> setup, TResponse value) where TClass : class
var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource();
Task.Run(() => { Thread.Sleep(200); completionSource.SetResult(value); });
return setup.Returns(completionSource.Task);
and the usage is similar to the Moq's ReturnsAsync Setup.
_sampleMock.Setup(s => s.SampleMethodAsync()).ReturnsAsyncDelayed(response);