If anyone knows how to make django-cms play with grappelli, please give some tips
My solution is to implement 2 subdomains, 'www' and 'cms', in each of which a separate instance of the Django site is running with a different STATIC_ROOT and a modified INSTALLED_APPS. grappelli runs in the 'www' subdomain. It is not running in the 'cms' subdomain, so that you can use django-cms there.
Set up a subdomain: cms.example.com
Modify your webserver to serve this subdomain. Use the same settings as your main django site but point to a different script handler. e.g. if using wsgi direct the server to run wsgi_cms.py
cp wsgi.py wsgi_cms.py
. Edit wsgi_cms.py
and change the line
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "myproject.settings")
to os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "myproject.settings_cms")
from settings import *
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join('/what/ever/static_cms/')
STATIC_URL = '/static_cms/'
modify settings.py
from a tuple to a list
restart web servers
./manage.py collectstatic --settings=myproject.settings_cms
your regular site continues as normal. To edit django-cms pages with grappelli disabled go to http://cms.example.com/admin/cms/page/