In previous versions of OAuth2 it was possible to add a custom token granter by adding it to the xml configuration in the
I couldn't find a way to do it because of the dependency on ClientDetailService making it difficult to get the default granters from the getTokenGranter method. I copied over the code from AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer#tokenGranter() and passed in my clientDetailService and other beans directly to the constructors. Note that I add to create a DefaultOAuth2RequestFactory to pass to the granters and to the endpoints:
public TokenGranter tokenGranter() {
ClientDetailsService clientDetails = clientDetailsService;
AuthorizationServerTokenServices tokenServices = tokenServices();
AuthorizationCodeServices authorizationCodeServices = authorizationCodeServices();
OAuth2RequestFactory requestFactory = requestFactory();
List tokenGranters = new ArrayList();
tokenGranters.add(new AuthorizationCodeTokenGranter(tokenServices, authorizationCodeServices,
clientDetails, requestFactory));
tokenGranters.add(new RefreshTokenGranter(tokenServices, clientDetails, requestFactory));
tokenGranters.add(new ImplicitTokenGranter(tokenServices, clientDetails, requestFactory));
tokenGranters.add(new ClientCredentialsTokenGranter(tokenServices, clientDetails, requestFactory));
tokenGranters.add(new ResourceOwnerPasswordTokenGranter(authenticationManager, tokenServices,
clientDetails, requestFactory));
tokenGranters.add(new CustomTokenGranter(authenticationManager, tokenServices(), clientDetailsService,
return new CompositeTokenGranter(tokenGranters);
public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) throws Exception {
That being said, I ended up removing that code and simply added another AuthenticationProvider instead because my new grant type was using a subclass of UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken anyway, which is the Authentication type used by the password grant by default.