One of the modules for my app uses functions from a .pyd file. There\'s an option to exclude dlls (exclude_dlls) but is there one for including them? The build process doesn
You can modify the setup script to copy the files explicitly:
script = "" #name of starting .PY
project_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(script)[1])[0]
setup(name=project_name, scripts=[script]) #this installs the program
#also need to hand copy the extra files here
def installfile(name):
dst = os.path.join('dist', project_name)
print 'copying', name, '->', dst
if os.path.isdir(name):
dst = os.path.join(dst, name)
if os.path.isdir(dst):
shutil.copytree(name, dst)
elif os.path.isfile(name):
shutil.copy(name, dst)
print 'Warning, %s not found' % name
pygamedir = os.path.split(pygame.base.__file__)[0]
installfile(os.path.join(pygamedir, pygame.font.get_default_font()))
installfile(os.path.join(pygamedir, 'pygame_icon.bmp'))
for data in extra_data:
etc... modify to suit your needs, of course.