I have a problem with multiplier and cannot understand how this feature works. For example i have view has 6:1 multiplier(To SuperView.Leading) as below.
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When working with autolayout, especially when you are working with proportional layouts, you have to use multiplier.
I have to explain here some mathematics. We know straight line equation.
Y = Mx + C
In above equation. Assume M is your multiplier and C is your Constant.
Thus suppose you have superview (in case of iphone 6s plus) of 414(width) x 736(height) size. On that view suppose you created subview.
Now if you want subview size exacly half of superview size, then just drag two constraints from subview to superview. (i.e. Equal Width and Equal Height)
See this Image
Obviously now you will get an error. just like I'm getting. (See below Image)
Now click on both of the constraints one by one, and use multiplier as 0.5. Then use above straight line equation. Here 0.5 means you want width of subview = superviewWidth / 2.0 i.e. 207 px.
In other words you can provide multiplier as 207:414 also.
Y i.e. subviewWidth = ((M i.e. 0.5) * (x i.e. 414 i.e. superviewWidth)) + (Constant i.e. Zero)
Finally you get subviewWidth = 207 px
Similarly do for height of subview. Provide multiplier 0.5 or 368:736.
When done all things, don't forget to click on subview and update frames.
This way constants and multiplier will works.