Below is my class in which i had to use both @Configuration
and @Controller
as there should be only one instance of Thymeleaf
in the e
Don't put request mappings inside configuration classes, it violates the principal of separation of concerns. You can go for a approach like below.
All the application wide beans are setup in Application
class which is present in the root of the classpath. Application
class in the best place to have your thymeleaf and static resource configurations too, since the Application
class have application-scope.
public class Application{
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public ViewResolver viewResolver() {
ThymeleafViewResolver resolver = new ThymeleafViewResolver();
return resolver;
public TemplateEngine templateEngine() {
SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine = new SpringTemplateEngine();
templateEngine.addDialect(new LayoutDialect());
templateEngine.addDialect(new Java8TimeDialect());
return templateEngine;
private ITemplateResolver templateResolver() {
SpringResourceTemplateResolver resolver = new
return resolver;
If you put the static resources inside a folder named static or public in the classpath, springboot identify that as the location for static resources. Then you don't need to override addResourceHandlers
method. If you really want to do it, you can do it inside the Application class extending WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
. You don't need separate class to configure just static resource paths.
Don't put request mappings inside configuration classes, put them in separate controller classes like:
public class MyController {
public void viewTemplates() {
Context context = new Context();
context.setVariable("mydata", "this is it");
String html = templateEngine().process("templates/view-to-process.html", context);
Of cause, springboot allows you to do it the way you like, but you'd better stick to a general approach.