I\'m trying to write a python function not using any modules that will take a string that has tabs and replace the tabs with spaces appropriate for an inputted tabstop size.
if you have the requirement where you want to add n spaces instead of custom tab you can simply write below code. I have shown the implementation using two functions, each having different way to solve it.You can use any of the function!
for eg. let the string be in the variable 'code' and 'x' be the size of tab
code = "def add(x, y)\f\treturn x + y"
def convertTabs(code, x):
for i in range(0,x):
temp+=" "
return code.replace("\t",temp)
def converTabs1(code,x):
return code.replace("\t",x*" ")
both the functions above will give the same value, but the second one is super awesome !