I am having an issue with the labels assigned to the values of my graph.
The graph is a timeseries. I add values using the \'columns\' property of c3js.
c3js allows you to specify what ticks will appear on x axis.
Under axis/x/tick I added this -
values: [1413936000, 1414195200,1414454400,1414713600,1414972800,1415232000],
I converted your dates in three day intervals with the epoch converter.
Here's the reference for solution.
I can only assume if the gridlines don't match these three day ticks then they were pushing into a new day every nth tick - hence your issue. Alternatively, you can place gridlines manually.
Here's the code for x axis.
x: {
label: {
text: 'Time [days]'
type: 'timeseries',
tick: {
values: [1413936000, 1414195200,1414454400,1414713600,1414972800,1415232000],
fit: false,
//count: 29,
rotate: -75,
multiline: false,
format: function (e, d) {
return dateToString(e);
height: 100