I\'m trying to learn powershell and tried to construct a if else statement:
if ((Get-Process | Select-Object name) -eq \"svchost\") {
Write-Host \"seen\"
Your if-else construct is perfect, but change the if condition like below:
(Get-Process | Select-Object -expand name) -eq "svchost"
Initially you were comparing an object to the "svchost" which will evaluate to false. With the -expandProperty
flag, you are getting that property of the object, which is a string and can be properly compared to "svchost".
Note that in the above you are comparing array of strings, which contains the name of process, to "svchost". In case of arrays -eq
is true if the array contains the other expression, in this case the "svchost"
There are other "better" ways to check as well:
if (Get-Process | ?{ $_.Name -eq "svchost"}) {
Write-Host "seen"
else {
Write-Host "not seen"