Robert Martin says: \"There should never be more than one reason for a class to change\".
Let\'s consider the ViewModel class which is bound to a View. It is
I agree that splitting your screens into multiple Views with multiple ViewModels is necessary to reduce bloat and complexity. Here's another pattern I've employed to help stick to SRP using MVVM:
Here's one scenario. My ViewModel needs to obtain data and respond to filter commands from the UI. I create the ViewModel to be composite in structure. That is, child classes that have access to private members of the ViewModel perform linear tasks such as handling the filtering. I might also have another child class that performs the necessary logic for selection of items based on criteria. You get the idea. Once the ViewModel is performing certain functions that span across several methods, it may be a good candidate to delegate to a child class. The child classes remain part of the main ViewModel, so it's just a way of reducing the size of the ViewModel and makes unit testing these linear operations easier.