How can I dump the contents of a Java HashMap(or any other), for example to STDOUT ?
As an example, suppose that I have a complex HashMap of the following structure
I often use function like this one ( it might need to be expanded to accommodate prety-print of other types of object inside of Map ).
private static String hashPP(final Map m, String... offset) {
String retval = "";
String delta = offset.length == 0 ? "" : offset[0];
for( Map.Entry e : m.entrySet() ) {
retval += delta + "["+e.getKey() + "] -> ";
Object value = e.getValue();
if( value instanceof Map ) {
retval += "(Hash)\n" + hashPP((Map)value, delta + " ");
} else if( value instanceof List ) {
retval += "{";
for( Object element : (List)value ) {
retval += element+", ";
retval += "}\n";
} else {
retval += "["+value.toString()+"]\n";
return retval+"\n";
} // end of hashPP(...)
Thus following code
public static void main(String[] cmd) {
Map document = new HashMap();
Map student1 = new LinkedHashMap();
document.put("student1", student1);
student1.put("name", "Bob the Student");
student1.put("place", "Basement");
List ranking = new LinkedList();
student1.put("ranking", ranking);
Map scores1 = new HashMap();
student1.put("Scores", scores1);
scores1.put("math", "0");
scores1.put("business", "100");
Map student2= new LinkedHashMap();
document.put("student2", student2);
student2.put("name", "Ivan the Terrible");
student2.put("place", "Dungeon");
will produce output
[student2] -> (Hash)
[name] -> [Ivan the Terrible]
[place] -> [Dungeon]
[student1] -> (Hash)
[name] -> [Bob the Student]
[place] -> [Basement]
[ranking] -> {2, 8, 1, 13, }
[Scores] -> (Hash)
[math] -> [0]
[business] -> [100]
Again. You may need to modify this for your particular needs.