Hello I\'m trying to figure out why switching my compatability mode from 80 to 100 in MSSQL broke my function below?
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM)
I would suggest that you adopt the practice of ending all statements with a semicolon. This is part of the ANSI standard and will help you when need to work on another database. SQL Server are moving towards this in any case. Many more commands require semicolons now in SQL Server 2012.
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetRoot]
(@Param1 int)
RETURNS varchar(50)
DECLARE @ReturnValue VARCHAR(50)
WITH cteResults
AS (SELECT parentouid
FROM net_ou
WHERE net_ouid=@Param1
SELECT t2.parentouid,t2.net_ouid
FROM net_ou t2
INNER JOIN results t1
ON t1.parentouid = t2.net_ouid
WHERE t2.parentouid <> t1.net_ouid )
SELECT @ReturnValue = net_ou.displayname
FROM net_ou
RIGHT JOIN cteResults
ON net_ou.net_ouid = results.ParentouID
WHERE results.parentouid=results.net_ouid
RETURN @ReturnValue
As an added bonus it makes you queries a crap load easier to read. ;-)