I am using Firebase push notifications in my Android App. I can send correctly notification with custom icon, but I have not managed to play my custom sound. I always get th
i was also facing the same issue. I always got the default sound but i fixed it as follows . I am using FCM-push (node module) https://www.npmjs.com/package/fcm-push
var message = {
to : device_token,
collapse_key : '',
// data : {
// '' : '',
// '' : ''
// },
notification : {
title : 'Title ',
body : 'some Body',
sound : 'notification' // my .ogg file in /res/raw
android: {
sound: 'notification' // my .ogg file name in /res/raw
I have not tried it with mp3 or wav and in your question it seems you have not tried with .ogg file ( though i doubt if it has anything to do with audio format but you can try)