I can\'t make search.exclude
settings to work, so that it excludes build
Here\'s screenshot:
Just in case this helps anyone else, here's a list of things that could be affecting whether your file/search exclusion settings are working as expected.
before an extension you want to exclude, e.g. **/.min.js
will exclude all files named ".min.js", while **/*.min.js
will exclude all files ending in ".min.js".search.exclude
settings and patterns defined in any .gitignore files. This only affects whether your exclusion settings will be applied to your search; any pattern you put into the "files to exclude" input field will always be applied.
to false (it's true by default). If a pattern is excluded in some .gitignore file and search.useIgnoreFiles
is true, even if you add that pattern to your search.exclude
and set it to false, it will still be ignored (see this issue).files.exclude
will automatically be excluded from search results, not just from the file explorer.files.exclude
or search.exclude
settings field. To override the default exclusion patterns, you must copy each default pattern into your user-defined settings and set them to false, e.g. "search.exclude": {"**/node_modules": false, "**/bower_components": false}
has patterns like this {"**/*": true, "**/myfolder": false}
, files in "myfolder" won't be included in your results. Instead, you must exhaustively list all folders you want excluded.If you're still having problems, you can see which folders VS Code is excluding by setting the log level to trace and reading the output when you perform a search (see here for more instructions).