How to remove the cookie set by
Agreed, @bobince. The official documentation says to use Date.toUTCString() for cookie expiration dates.
I am 95% sure that you must set an expiration date when creating the cookie crumb if you want to force its removal later. A cookie crumb created without an explicit expiration date is a session cookie (crumb) by default, which means that it is not removed until the browser is closed. I recall trying to expire a session cookie to no avail, in the past.
If you do set an expiration date on the cookie crumb in the first place, remember that you can use a variable for the new expiration date.
// assuming a non-session cookie crumb called "someCrumbName" exists:
var now = new Date();
var expirationDate = new Date();
var someValue = "foo";
// set the expiration date to a week ago and delete the cookie
expirationDate.setDate(now.getDate() - 7);
document.cookie = "someCrumbName=" + someValue + ";expires=" + expirationDate.toUTCString();