I have a spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1df2cp4DsJvSeBvhsNjLgIa5x_RO1X7s_APRdFzU6jqQ/edit?usp=sharing
| | C
This is a very common problem when dealing with auto-inserted data through sheets api or Google forms. The easiest solution would be to convert all your formulas into arrayformulas. For eg, Your formula in D2
can be modified as
In D1:
=ARRAYFORMULA({"Extracted Date";MID(C2:INDEX(C:C,COUNTA(C:C)),1,2)&"."&MID(C2:INDEX(C:C,COUNTA(C:C)),3,2)&".2020"})
OR using regex:
=ARRAYFORMULA({"Extracted Date";REGEXREPLACE(C2:INDEX(C:C,COUNTA(C:C)),"(\d{2})(\d{2}).*","$1.$2.2020")})
The table then becomes:
| | C | D |
| 1> | From IFTTT | =ARRAYFORMULA({"Extracted Date";MID(C2:INDEX(C:C,COUNTA(C:C)),1,2)&"."&MID(C2:INDEX(C:C,COUNTA(C:C)),3,2)&".2020"}) |
| 2> | 0809 1800 0909 0600 RLK Steiger | |
| 3> | 0809 1800 0909 0600 RLK Dvorak | |
| 4> | 0909 0600 0909 1800 UNIS Brando | |
Here the rest of D:D is auto filled automatically.
We use array literals on the header row: {"Extracted Date";Formula for rest of the column}
Whenever a new row comes, INDEX/COUNTA()
auto calculates the last row and automatically fills the formula upto last row. See here for a deeper explanation on INDEX/COUNTA