I\'m trying to pass the ILTItem variable into my ILTViewController, triggered by AppDelegate.swift when the user launches my app via a deeplink.
The code I have erro
So I had a problem with a similar error message. I am writing a structure to handle Scalars for my library and needed a square root. Error was
Cannot call value of non-function type 'Vsip.Scalar'
when calling sqrt. Fixed it by explicitly calling sqrt as shown below. Hope this helps.
public var sqrt: Scalar {
switch self.type {
case .f:
return Scalar(sqrtf(self.realf))
case .d:
let x = Foundation.sqrt(self.reald)
return Scalar(x)
case .cf:
return Scalar(vsip_csqrt_f(self.vsip_cf))
case .cd:
return Scalar(vsip_csqrt_d(self.vsip_cd))
precondition(false, "sqrt not supported for type \(self.type)")