I want to convert the contents of *.sav file into a *.csv file in Python. I have written the following lines of code to access the details of variables in *.sav file. Now, I
I could solve my problem by changing the requisite output format and here is my code:
import scipy.io as spio
import numpy as np
import csv
on2file = 'ON2_2016_112m_220415.sav' # i/p file
outfile = 'ON2_2016_112m_220415.csv' # o/p file
# Read i/p file
s = spio.readsav(on2file, python_dict=True, verbose=True)
# Creating Grid
#d_lat = s["d_lat"]
#d_lon = s["d_lon"]
lat = np.arange(-90,90,1.78218) # (101,)
lon = np.arange(-180,180,1.78218) # (202,)
ylat,xlon = np.meshgrid(lat,lon)
on2grid = np.asarray(s["on2_grid"])
on2gridsmooth = np.asarray(s["on2_grid_smooth"])
nrows = len(on2grid)
ncols = len(on2grid[0])
xlon_grid = xlon.reshape(nrows*ncols,1)
ylat_grid = ylat.reshape(nrows*ncols,1)
on2grid_new = on2grid.reshape(nrows*ncols,1)
on2gridsmooth_new = on2gridsmooth.reshape(nrows*ncols,1)
# Concatenation
allgriddata = np.concatenate((xlon_grid, ylat_grid, on2grid_new, on2gridsmooth_new),axis=1)
# Writing o/p file
f_handle = file(outfile,'a')
np.savetxt(f_handle,allgriddata,delimiter=",",fmt='%0.3f',header="longitude, latitude, on2_grid, on2_grid_smooth")