I am beginner in programming, So can you please tell me what\'s wrong with my code?
I want to print next palindrome number if the number entered by the user (n) is n
There are two problems with your code.
1) Your "for i in range" loop calculates the reverse of the temp variable, but you don't change the temp variable's value. You do
new_temp = temp
for i in range(new_temp,new_temp+10):
if(new_temp != new_reverse):
temp = new_temp+1 #this value never changes.
So you're making 10 iterations with one and the same value.
2) Ten iterations might not be enough to find a palindrome. Keep going until you find a palindrome.
Working code:
def reverse(num):
reverse= 0
while num:
reverse= reverse*10 + num%10
num= num//10
return reverse
num= int(input("Enter any number :- "))
if num==reverse(num):
print ("Already palindrome.")
while True:
num+= 1
if num==reverse(num):
print ("Next palindrome is : %s"%num)