def reverse_append(arr, n)
return arr if n < 0
reverse_append(arr, n-1)
arr << n
reverse_append([],4) #=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Well step through the code with the supplied parameters. The first step is to check if n < 0 which its not. If it isn't 0 reverse append with [], 3 and appends the that array the number and then returns the array.
So it takes the array, adds 4 to it after it has gone through the step of dealing with [], 3
, [], 2
, [],1
and [], 0
. So the first call that will succeed is just returning the array when it gets below 0, next is 0 gets appended, then one, then 2, then 3 and lastly the original call with 4 gets added arr << n