How to Store
user entered details and Get it Back
in ios?
I had Following TextFields
Do you want to keep user Info persistent(1) or you need this data just to represent it and send to email(2)?
1.If you need to save user info in persistent store using Core Data you have to create entity named 'User' with your attributes (Name, middle name , lastname, username,email, re-enter email id, phone, state, address,locality and pincode) - all this fields can be A String type. Than by the help of 'Editor' tab you should create NSManagedObject subclass for your entity. Than in your VC with textFields you need to fill these data for properties of User instance and save it. And than you can retrieve where you want and display for user.
2.If you need user info just to display and send to email you can make it simpler by using NSUserDefaults for example:
//to save
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:textFieldName.text forKey:@"name"];
//to get data
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:@"name"];
Or if there is a need to keep this info all the time and you need it just for one app launch session - just set ViewControllerWhereYouWantToPresentInfo's public properties by text property value of textFields.