I am trying to create charts in Visual Studio 2015 Windows Forms Application that will chart the data from a sensor and display each point with the time it was received in t
You should never use strings for x-values, unless they are actually meaningless, like city or person names.
are copied to the axis-labels but otherwise converted to doubles
coming out as 0s
(!!); this means you can't use them for anything.
But you may want to use them for:
So you should add them either as numbers or as DateTimes
. Here is an example and the result:
Series s = chart.Series[0];
// string[] vec = new string[7]
// { "11:00", "12:00", "1:00", "2:00", "3:00", "4:00", "5:00" };
TimeSpan[] tvec = new TimeSpan[7]
{ new TimeSpan( 11, 0, 0), new TimeSpan( 12, 0, 0), new TimeSpan( 13, 0, 0),
new TimeSpan( 14, 0, 0) ,new TimeSpan( 15, 0, 0) ,new TimeSpan( 16, 0, 0),
new TimeSpan( 17, 0, 0) };
DateTime d0 = new DateTime(0);
foreach (var t in tvec)
s.Points.AddXY(d0.Add(t), t.Hours);
ChartArea ca = chart.ChartAreas[0];
s.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
ca.AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "h:mm";
ca.AxisX.Minimum = d0.Add(tvec.First()).ToOADate();
ca.AxisX.Maximum = d0.Add(tvec.Last()).ToOADate();
A few further notes:
we need to use the 24h
format by using the "H:mm" format string.List
and fill it in a loop or even with LINQ: List tvec = Enumerable.Range(11, 7).Select(x => new TimeSpan(x, 0, 0)).ToList();