For some reason the following code doesn\'t work.
var a1 = Math.floor(Math.random()*4+1);
for(a2 = 0; a2 != a1 && a2 != 0; a2 = Math.floo
Try with this function. It'll give you an array with numbers from 1 to max
in random order. Then you can use it to assign a value to a variable and it'll never repeat:
Edit: I found a purely functional way to do it:
function randomRange(min, max) {
return (new Array(++max-min))
.map(function(v,i){ return min+i })
.sort(function(){ return 0|Math.random()*max });
console.log(rand(1,4)); //-> [4,2,1,3] random array from 1 to 4
var arr = rand(1,4);
var a = arr[0];
var b = arr[1];
Edit 2: Seems like the above has problems with some browsers, check out Random but just in Chrome for a better solution.
Demo: (run multiple times to see the randomness)