I am getting the below messages when my JSF page gets rendered. The page is rendered correctly however in the Console the message below repeats itself numerous times...
Sorry my comment I added above did not come across correctly, here is what I have in my web.xml:
Also my url I use is http://localhost.com/context/register/mypage.htm
I have these jsp under the folder register. I can call other jsp from the register folder
and this error does not appear.... just happens for this particular jsp that I have added.
Faces Servlet
Faces Servlet
Faces Servlet
Faces Servlet
I am trying to add my full mappings but the way the code tags work here, it is not coming across since hte mappings have tags... I tried blockquotes provided, but still this editor is not able to display my mappings correctly, apologies!
Any idea how I should be calling my url. Thanks.