Hi I am trying to create auto completion
functionality for a drop-down OR select html form element.
I need a functionality like once us
There are many options, I have used Selectize.js and Select2. I found Select2 is much better and easy to use, and light weight! Also very easy to update with ajax call (example: search city, country, user etc...)
link: http://selectize.github.io/selectize.js/
checkout the example below:
$(function() {
placeholder: 'type now...',
width: '200',
multiple: true,
data: [{
id: 'A & A, LLC.',
text: 'A & A, LLC.'
}, {
id: 'testing1',
text: 'testing1'
}, {
id: 'testing 1,2,3',
text: 'testing 1,2,3'
tokenSeparators: ['|']
.on('change', function() {