I have a NSTokenField with NSTokenFieldCell\'s that represent managed objects. When I create a new NSTokenFieldCell by typing, my NSTokenField\'s delegate (an NSArrayControl
It's hard to understand what you're asking for exactly. Do you really mean you're creating and deleting NSTokenFieldCells? I don't think you do - an NSTokenField control has an NSTokenFieldCell instance. The whole assembly just represents certain strings (that you control via the NSTokenFieldDelegate protocol) as graphical "tokens". The cell isn't recreated each time, only what it represents/draws.
Do you mean to say you want to be notified when a tokenized string is deleted from the field? If so, I'm afraid that's not how it's designed to work. You decide what strings (separated by the tokenizing character set that you told the token field to use) are tokenized and what replacement string (usually a shortened or cleaned-up version) is displayed as the token itself. Therefore, it's up to you to determine whether a "token" that's in your model is now missing and clean it up yourself.
Put simply: there are no facilities for doing this in Cocoa Bindings. It might be best to maintain a "-tokensNeedCleaning" flag and treat it the same way the -setNeedsDisplay: and -displayIfNeeded methods work with NSView. That way, when the token field is edited, you can call [self setTokensNeedCleaning:YES]. That method, in turn, can call "[self cleanTokensIfNeeded]" via -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: (with a zero second delay), to schedule cleaning up the missing tokens if the needsCleaning flag is YES. It'll then unset the flag.
This simple mechanism keeps the cleanup routine from running with each successive edit but rather flags it and schedules it to run in the immediate future if it's still needed. That way, successive scheduled calls to -cleanTokensIfNeeded won't keep blindly trying to clean up - the cleanup calls will be coalesced.