I set up the system first by
[old_path]=which(\'rdsamp\');if(~isempty(old_path)) rmpath(old_path(1:end-8)); end
The problem is that the data unit "100" does not exist in the database ptbdb.
I run finally successfully after waiting 35 minutes with 100Mb cable broadband:
db_list = physionetdb('ptbdb')
and get not complete data finally to the patient 54 - there should be 294 patients.
'ptbdb/patient001/s0014lre' 'ptbdb/patient001/s0014lre' ... cut ...
The main developer, Ikaro's' answer helped me to wait so long:
The WFDB Toolbox connects to PhysioNet's file server. The databases accessible through the WFDB Toolbox are not SQL database, they consist of flat files. The error message that you are getting regarding the ptdb/100 database is because you are attempting to get a record that does not exist on the database.
For more information on a particular database or record in PhysioNet please type:
help physionetdb
This flat file system is really a bottle neck in the system. It would be a good time to change to SQL.