Here\'s the deal: I\'m moving a .NET website to Python. I have a database with passwords hashed using the System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed utility.
I\'m cre
Thanks @Leo Muler , your csharp code helped me a lot to translate it into nodejs.
Here is the code :
const saltLength = 16;
const cryptedPwd = 'm2gFufL1WYJEcjdgnu4Eo0qXHM8+whC75AMnYxCS+uRbiS4OBy5+4TKNQbiSJyTG';
const pwd = 'myPassword';
let binaryPwd = Buffer.from(cryptedPwd, 'base64');
let salt = binaryPwd.slice(0, saltLength);
let saltBuffer = [...salt];
let bytePwd = Buffer.from(pwd, 'utf16le');
let pwdBuffer = [...bytePwd];
let saltAndPwd = saltBuffer.concat(pwdBuffer);
let saltAndPwdBinary = Buffer.from(saltAndPwd).toString('utf16le');
let cryptedBuffer = Array.from(crypto.createHash('sha256').update(saltAndPwdBinary, 'utf16le').digest());
let concatCryptedBuffer = saltBuffer.concat(cryptedBuffer);
let cryptedString = Buffer.from(concatCryptedBuffer).toString('base64');
console.log('cryptedString : ' + cryptedString);
console.log('same : ' + (cryptedString == cryptedPwd));