I want to map all partitions from all drives in Windows (the ones who are not mapped already). I mean I want to assign to each of them drive letters. I know that you can do
You can do This using WMI.
In library GLibWMI (http://neftali.clubdelphi.com or SourceForge) you can find the TDiskPartitionInfo and TDiskDriveInfo.
The first can give you the created partitions and all of your properties.
Test the Generic Sample and check the results. In an partitioned disk like this:
You obtains 4 instantes with the properties of 4 partitions like this:
The library it's totally free and source is avaible. Check the samples.
You can find some other codes to access this information using WMI. If you want use another, you can search for "WMI and Win32_DiskPartition Class" (Link doc).
Excuse-me for mistakes with English.